The #1 concern about a family photo session… | Cornwall & Ottawa Photographer

The most common worry from clients about a family session is the concern of “will my children behave?” 

We all see those photographs plastered all over Instagram, that have every single family member smiling perfectly at the camera! Their outfits are perfect, their hair is perfect & even their youngest child is smiling just perfectly….that is the perfect family photo!! We hold our family to such high standards when it comes to photographs!! What we have to keep in mind, there is always a second story to every photograph & only the BEST images make it to social media for many people!!

photo of family of three

What I see as children misbehaving won’t be the same as you see them misbehaving…for example when they are giggling, making jokes or acting silly!  You may consider this misbehaving but I see it as a photograph showing their true nature!! Laughing, having fun with each other & feeling comfortable enough to make the silly faces!!   As a mother to six children, I COMPLETELY understand how nerve racking a session CAN be…but I will let you in on a little secret!  

photo of family of six in field

Children feed directly on our emotions….yes, they do!  If we are nervous, stressed or snappy before or during our session, they will sense that & often will react differently than usual.

Best advice?! Take as many deep breaths as you need, engage with your family…laugh, tickle, make funny voices, tell a joke, play tag or make a silly face!!! Once your children see that you are relaxed & ready to have fun…they are more likely to do the same! 

photo of family of seven

Another idea is the begin talking to them about the session prior to our time together!!  If you children are anything like mine were when they were younger, they didn’t like surprises that were just sprung upon them!  Instead, start talking about the session, how much fun we will have together, show them a picture of me from the welcome guide & explain “this is Jenn & she is going to take pictures of our family!”  Make it sound fun, relaxing & it will be entertaining!! 

photo of brother & sister laughing

My last suggestion is to consider having your family session at your home or at their favourite park!! Children will feel more comfortable in a location they are familiar with & these spaces give them opportunity for play!!

Interested in scheduling a family session for this summer??

Awesome…let’s get in touch with each other & make that happen!!


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